Saturday, April 24, 2010

One of those days!

Ever have one of those days when you wake up bright and early and have such high hopes for all that you will do that day, only to hit 5:00pm and realize that none of what you had planned to do worked out? Yep, that's my day. Instead of scrapping and doing laundry today, Susie woke up with a fever, congestion and then after I gave her some medicine and sent her back to her room she got sick all over the place. So, I had to tend to that mess and take care of my little girl. I'm telling you, the last few weeks have been exhausting with one kid or another sick, plus all the Spring activities. I wasted almost 2 hours this morning searching for a challenge to work on that would go with the challenge at The Color Room and I came up blank. By the time I decided to just use the one at the Color Room site, I wasn't even feeling any scrap mojo. This was literally the best I could come up with for this challenge and its just not how I envisioned it. But...its another layout in the album and years from now it will be the memories that matter, not that this wasn't how I had planned for this layout to come out. I'm in a sorta funk today and think I'm going to hang on the couch with John for a while and surf some blogs and see if later tonight I feel like scrapping.  I have a few Lets Scrap design team things to work on. I even went into AC Moore today armed with $$ and a 40% off coupon and walked out with a $1.49 hank of hemp. I couldn't get excited about ANYTHING new! That's when I know its time to go home and relax and forget scrapping for a bit. Well I didn't go home, I went grocery shopping, but thats good because now I won't have to do it tomorrow!  I did just notice the new color pallette for The Color Room for this coming week....looks pretty doesn' it?

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